Thursday, May 9, 2013

Soap News ..... OHHHH noo she dint !!!

Most people dont know this, but Brazil is also know Internationally for having the best soap operas on the plante. Yeah I know Soap Operas, really? But i have got to admit that i have watched many soaps throughout my life, and im not the only one. Infact watching soaps in Brazil is like a religion. The main cable company ``Globo´´ usually has three a day. One at 18:00, which is 6PM, one at 19:00, which is at 7PM, and the last and most important soap at 21:00, which is at 9PM.. the 9PM soap is the most envolving drama, usually being called the noble hour because the Soaps at this time, are usually the best ones. 

 Salve Jorge is the current 9PM soap. Its on its final weeks, and i can say that It is not the best one i have seen. It tells the story of young girl named Morena, who in search of a better life for her and her son,  agrees to  go work as a waitress in restaurant in Istanbul. Unfortunetly for Morena, there was no job, and no restaurant, she was taken to a nightclub and forced to become a prostitute. Morena fell victim to human trafficking, and the rest of the story relates to what she goes through, and the troubles she has to overcome and make her way back home. 

Dramatic i know... and most soaps usually go for 8 months or so, then it ends, and a new one begins.. They are dramatic, but they can also be fun, and engaging.

Voce sabe / Do you know ? 
 BrazilianTrivia of the week !!! 

 Which James Bond film took part in Brazil?

   hint... metal teeth, Sugarloaf Mountain, and Space. 

          Do you know ?

BPIB #2      Belo Horizonte

For the second post, of ``Best places in Brazil´´ i have to introduce my beautiful city of Belo Horizonte. 


 Belo horizonte or  just ``BH´´ as we like to call it. 
It is the capital and the largest city in the state of Minas Gerais, located in the Southeastern region of Brazil.

The city is built on several hills and it is compleatly surounded by mountains. It is also the third biggest city in brasil.

This is the city I grew up in and to this day I am absolutly in love with BH. The food, the nightlife, the people, the architecture. It is truly an amazing city. 

It is know for the many bars, and food. Mineiro, people from Minas Gerais like to say that because there are no beaches, we go to the bars.. 

So anyone thinking of making a trip to Brasil, think about stopping by my city, You might not leave with a tan, but you will leave with your belly full =)


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Brazilian fun fact of the day ... 

two seasons of the popular american reality television show survivor, took place in brasil.

season 6. the Amazon 

winner.. jenna


                                                                                                                                                       Season 18. Tocantins, the Brazilian Highlands ( awful season ) 

             As a faithful survivor fan, i have watched both seasons, Amazon is great, Tocantins not so much!!


BPFB #2 -- Gisele Bundchen 

 well. for anyone who has been living under a rock for the past decade and cannot identify who this woman is, well i have onlyh three words for you.. WORLD´S GREATEST SUPERMODEL.. and if you had not guessed it .. yes, is brazilian. 
Gisele Caroline Bundchen ws born in the town of  `` Tres de maio´´ in Rio Grande Do sul, in southern Brazil, where there is a large population of  German ansestry. She has five sister, and one fraternal twin sister. 

Gisele was discovered by Elite Model Agency in a mall in Sao Paulo in 1993 while on a class trip. She would eventually take place in an Elite modeling contest ``Elite look of the year´´ were she came in fourth place. Gisele would later move to Sao Paulo to begin her modeling carrer, and by 1996 she her first big break at New York Fashion week. 

Gisele would later go on to become the world highest paid super models. Working for Alexander McQueen, Elle Macperson,  Vouge. and basically appearing in every magazine cover in the world.

Today, Gisele has a networth of 250 million dollars. She is married to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, and she has two children 


Thursday, April 11, 2013

BTFB #2 Churrasco (Brazilian BBQ)

Well if there is one thing that i cannot forget to talk about in a blog about Brazil, it's the Churrasco ( BBQ ). 
Churrasco can be made either at home or at a restaurant that specializes in churrasco.  
Pork, sausage, kielbasa, beef, chicken and other meats can be cooked on a purpose built churrasqueira (a grill). Meats are usually inserted in a large skewer and cooked in a open flame. 
Churrasco originated in the southern Brazil in states Santa Catarina and Rio Grande Do Sul. 

Heres a pic of  me and my whole family at my grandfathers farm in Betim,  about to enjoy some of my grandfathers best churrasco. seriously, its what he does best =) 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brazilian Easter  

Brazil has one of the largest catholic populations in the world, and its no surprise that Easter is considered a very important holiday for the Brazilian people. "semana santa" Holy week is an important week for catholic rituals, masses, festivals, and not eating meat. It is also a week of vacation for schools and colleges. 

 During Easter, the best part for me personally, it the chocolate. 
 Think of all the candy bars here; snickers, twix, reeses,  m and m's. Now imagine all of these candies turned into a 14 inch long Easter egg. Well that is what happens in Brazil and it is amazing 

                                                           >>Inside a supermarket during the month of March.. not just a special section for the chocolate, but thousands of Easter eggs are hosted up above the shoppers, giving them a easy way to choose their favorites<<

The only american chocolate that was made into a Brazilian Easter Egg, its a little more pricey than the other ones, but it's worth it. My Brazilian friends go crazy over one. After all it is a giant Kit Kat Egg

OH Brazilian Easter, how i miss you ...  

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Fernanda Montenegro is considered one of the best actresses in Brazil. She is an acclaimed soap opera star, and has been part of over 30 soaps. She is also big in the Brazilian film industry. In 1998 she took the lead role in a film called Central Station. The film was met with critical acclaim here in the US and she receveiced a nomination for best acress at the acadamy awards. At the time I was in Brasil, I was 8 years old, and  I  remebered the entire country watching the Oscars that sunday, rejocing the fact that one of our very own fine actresses, was at the acadamy awards competing for best actress. Sadly she lost to Gweneth Paltrow. It was a sad night.

The Movie is a about a woman named Dora (Montenegro) who works at a train station in Rio De Janeiro writting letters for iliterate customers. One day a woman and her nine year old son  Josue, arrive at her desk, and the mother wrties a letter to the child's estranged father, hoping she can reunite the two. As  as they leave, the mother is run over and killed, leaving the boy terrified and alone. Dora at first sells the child to a corrupt couple that trafficts children, but guilt falls upon her, and she rescues the kid.  She is reluctant at first to help him, but she eventually decides to take him to the northeastern part of Brazil were the kid's estranged father lives. The two embarc on journey, forming a wonderful friendship along the way.

Montenegro in the Brazilian soap opera "Bellissima" were she played the corrupt and villainous "Bia Falcao". One her most recent and famous characters.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

BPIB #1 Buzios 

There are going to be a lot of beautiful places for this post, but when i can comment on places that i have had the pleasure of visiting, it makes it soo much better. So for my first Best Place In Brazil.. I give you "Armação dos Búzios" or how every one calls it "Buzios". 

The Peninsula of Buzios is located in the State of Rio De Janeiro, it is a tourist town with over 20 beaches. There are many beautiful resorts and hostels, a very active nightlife, and many renowned seafood restaurants. 

 Buzios famous "Rua das Pedras" ( street of the rocks)

 My experience in Buzios happened in the summer of 2012, i was living in Brazil at the time, and for summer vacation, me and my family spent a week at a beautiful resort there. It was absolutely amazing, the beaches are near perfect, with crystal blue waters. The people are beautiful,  the restaurants were amazing. It is one of the best places i have ever gone to!   

 BTFB #1- Feijoada 

ok, so for my first Best Thing From Brazil i have to give something that i absolutely love, and of course it is going to be a food. Feijoada is one of Brazil's for famous dishes, It is a stew like dish, made primarily with black beans, cooked pork and beef. 

It is a very traditional dish, and it is very.. very good. It may be derived for a very simple concept, but it makes up for it in the taste.. Feijoada usually, goes perfect with white rice, cooked colored greens, and an orange slice. 

For the fourth post on my blog, I am going to make some new terms, or categories if you will, to present to you, interesting things from Brazil. There will be 4 different categories; things, places, people, and overall news and  facts! Every week i will update my blog with new information, that will sure be pleasing to everyone =)  

 BTFB > Best Things From Brazil
 BPIB  > Best Places in Brazil
 BPFB > Best People From Brazil

Thursday, February 14, 2013

now that i have introduced a little bit of history, and the demographics of Brazil lets have a post about something fun!!! .. Since its Carnival week in Brazil right now lets talk about the biggest celebration/party in the world. Carnival. Carnival is Brazil's most famous celebration, known for its samba, colorful floats, naked women, and alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol. Carnival last for about a week, and is held 46 days before Easter. It is derived from a Portuguese tradition, were during the 46 days of lent, a big party would be thrown. toward the 1800's parades started happening during these 46 days of lent and has evolved into what it is today.

Samba, a Brazilian style dance with African roots originated in the Brazilian state of Bahia, is the main music associated with carnival  In Rio De Janeiro schools of samba have been formed throughout the years. The oldest one being Mangueira, formed in 1928, a time where samba where exclusivity practiced by the lower classes. It wasn't until the 60's and 70's that samba became popular between upper and middle classes.

These schools practice all year long for carnival, creating a theme and float to ride down Rio's famous Sambadrome in Copacabana. The theme usually representing a part of the Brazilian culture. There is an official competition between the schools and every year. There is a special order that every school has to follow with their parade entries. Each school begins with the "comissão de frente" (Comission of Front ), which is the first wing, it is made up of ten to fifteen people only, and they are the ones who introduce the school and set the mood. These people have choreographic dances in fancy costumes that usually tell a short story. Following the "comissão de frente" is the first float of the samba school, called "abre-alas" ( Opening Way ).

comissao de frente 

Some of the important roles include the porta-bandeira and mestre-sala. The porta-bandeira is a very important lady ( usually some Brazilian starlet with a very nice body) who is in charge of the samba school flag, making sure to not allow the flag to roll. She is accompanied by the mestre-sala, who is supposed to draw everyone’s attention to "his queen", the porta-bandeira. Floatees, who are also important, are the people who populate the floats, also known as destaques. The floatees have the most luxurious and expensive costumes that can be extremely heavy. Along with all the floatees is one main floatee that is located at the top of each float ( usually another starlet ). The main destaque dances and sings for the entire time that the float is on the runway.

porta bandeira:

One other aspect that is mandatory is the presence of the "ala das baianas". This is a wing of the samba school entry that includes at least 100 females only. These women along with many other people do not ride on the floats as many others do, instead they are passistas, the people who belong to the samba school that do the marching alongside and between the floats.
ala das bainas:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Brazil Basic Information 

           Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, the biggest country in South America, and the 5th most populated country on Earth, with over 190 million people. Borded by the Atlantic ocean, it borders Suriname, Guiana, French Guiana, and Venezuela to the north. Columbia on the northwest. Bolivia and Peru to the west. Argentina and Paraguay to the southwest, and  Uruguay to the south.


           Brazil was discovered On April 22, 1500,  by a Portuguese navigator called Pedro Alvares Cabral. The country took its name from “brazilwood”, a redwood tree commonly found along the Brazilian coastline that was ordinarily used to dye garments back in Europe. 


       Brazil has 27 states: 

Capital - Brazilia 
Language - Portuguese
Largest City - Sao Paulo  
President - Dilma Rousseff
Currency - Real (R$) 
Legislature - National Congress