Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brazilian Easter  

Brazil has one of the largest catholic populations in the world, and its no surprise that Easter is considered a very important holiday for the Brazilian people. "semana santa" Holy week is an important week for catholic rituals, masses, festivals, and not eating meat. It is also a week of vacation for schools and colleges. 

 During Easter, the best part for me personally, it the chocolate. 
 Think of all the candy bars here; snickers, twix, reeses,  m and m's. Now imagine all of these candies turned into a 14 inch long Easter egg. Well that is what happens in Brazil and it is amazing 

                                                           >>Inside a supermarket during the month of March.. not just a special section for the chocolate, but thousands of Easter eggs are hosted up above the shoppers, giving them a easy way to choose their favorites<<

The only american chocolate that was made into a Brazilian Easter Egg, its a little more pricey than the other ones, but it's worth it. My Brazilian friends go crazy over one. After all it is a giant Kit Kat Egg

OH Brazilian Easter, how i miss you ...  

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