Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brazilian Easter  

Brazil has one of the largest catholic populations in the world, and its no surprise that Easter is considered a very important holiday for the Brazilian people. "semana santa" Holy week is an important week for catholic rituals, masses, festivals, and not eating meat. It is also a week of vacation for schools and colleges. 

 During Easter, the best part for me personally, it the chocolate. 
 Think of all the candy bars here; snickers, twix, reeses,  m and m's. Now imagine all of these candies turned into a 14 inch long Easter egg. Well that is what happens in Brazil and it is amazing 

                                                           >>Inside a supermarket during the month of March.. not just a special section for the chocolate, but thousands of Easter eggs are hosted up above the shoppers, giving them a easy way to choose their favorites<<

The only american chocolate that was made into a Brazilian Easter Egg, its a little more pricey than the other ones, but it's worth it. My Brazilian friends go crazy over one. After all it is a giant Kit Kat Egg

OH Brazilian Easter, how i miss you ...  

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Fernanda Montenegro is considered one of the best actresses in Brazil. She is an acclaimed soap opera star, and has been part of over 30 soaps. She is also big in the Brazilian film industry. In 1998 she took the lead role in a film called Central Station. The film was met with critical acclaim here in the US and she receveiced a nomination for best acress at the acadamy awards. At the time I was in Brasil, I was 8 years old, and  I  remebered the entire country watching the Oscars that sunday, rejocing the fact that one of our very own fine actresses, was at the acadamy awards competing for best actress. Sadly she lost to Gweneth Paltrow. It was a sad night.

The Movie is a about a woman named Dora (Montenegro) who works at a train station in Rio De Janeiro writting letters for iliterate customers. One day a woman and her nine year old son  Josue, arrive at her desk, and the mother wrties a letter to the child's estranged father, hoping she can reunite the two. As  as they leave, the mother is run over and killed, leaving the boy terrified and alone. Dora at first sells the child to a corrupt couple that trafficts children, but guilt falls upon her, and she rescues the kid.  She is reluctant at first to help him, but she eventually decides to take him to the northeastern part of Brazil were the kid's estranged father lives. The two embarc on journey, forming a wonderful friendship along the way.

Montenegro in the Brazilian soap opera "Bellissima" were she played the corrupt and villainous "Bia Falcao". One her most recent and famous characters.